Leasing of works of art

Published by Philippe BUIL on

If you are a professional, business or liberal profession, I suggest you acquire my sculptures on leasing.

100% deductible rent
Purchase option of 3% of the initial amount
Duration of 13 to 48 months
Montant minimum : 1000 €

Art leasing allows you to finance the purchase of a sculpture through your business, while benefiting from tax deductions.

Businesses and liberal professions can rent a work of art for a period of 13 to 48 months. At the end of the contract, they simply have to pay the residual amount to definitively acquire the chosen work.

Reduction in taxable income

  • Leasing is a means of tax exemption for a work of art for a company because it allows it to deduct the rent from its taxes. This solution allows a work of art to be considered as an expense and not as a fixed asset.

  • 100% of rents paid are deductible from IS (corporate tax for businesses) or IRPP (income tax for liberal professions), according to article 238 bis AB of the CGI, General Code taxes. Thus, the financing of a leasing work of art is accompanied by an attractive tax deduction.

Limited risks

  • Leasing allows you to maintain your borrowing capacity because it is considered a rental expense. Each month, you pay rent, that is to say the monthly payment previously validated with the bank, which allows you to gradually finance the work being acquired while already exhibiting it in your work space. It is a legal and advantageous way to make an acquisition over several months or years while benefiting from a tax deduction.

Exercise of option

  • Before signing the artwork leasing contract, you choose to spread your rents as you wish, from 13 to 48 months, and you receive a precise simulation of the tax savings made thanks to the tax exemption. At the end of the contractual period, you strengthen the assets of your company by simply paying the residual value equal to 3% of the amount financed, or you can decide to acquire the work personally by paying only 'Purchase option.

All companies headquartered in France, Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg are able to benefit from art leasing.

I offer you this solution thanks to my partnership with ARTSPER in order to ensure you a reliable and secure financial partner with Collectionism.
To establish the contract, the following documents are required:
- Latest Balance Sheet / Tax package
- ID
- Bank details


 If you are interested, contact me to do a simulation.


Some examples of leasing for my sculptures:



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